I'd say that happiness is one of the BEST things anyone could experience, especially for the older society, since we are usually stressed with work and "love life" at these times of our years.
We teens are mostly happy today since we are surrounded by our friends and family who continuously support us. In fact, it's usually hard for us to think about where we'll be around 10 years from now, are we still close with our family? or are we still friends with our high school friends?
I really value happiness at this time of my life, especially since I'm going to graduate from High School next school year. It's hard to think about my batch and I, whom I've been with since Kinder 1, will be separating to different colleges by 2019.
Today, I will be listing down most of the things that make me happy.
1. Family
My family is one of the best things that happened to me. They are the reason why I am how I am today, and I owe everything to them. They make me happy by the small things they do for me (like giving me my allowance, hehe joke). They also inspire me to be a better person
2. Friends
My friends are the people who I'm mostly with, and they not only inspire me to do better in school but make me laugh in times of needs. They show me that they are always there for me no matter what.
3. Dogs
No surprise there, right! Dogs are one of the reasons why I'm mostly happy. Can you imagine me staring at a dog outside and smiling? Yes? Because I'm always like that. I love dogs so much. I don't know what I'd do if they didn't exist
4. SPCP Batch 2019
Credits to owner for upper right photo
SPCP Batch 2019, no words. I love my batch and my batch makes me smile, especially seeing how united out batch is during intrams. It's so amazing how we were together since we were around 4 and we were together as each of us grew. It'll be so hard to say goodbye to SPCP Batch 2019 when we graduate from High School next school year. Time really does fly.
5. God
God for me is a very special person. I've been worshipping him since I was as little as 5 and still am. His word through the bible makes me smile, and I am very thankful that he has blessed me so much.
What do you think? Does any of the items on my list are in yours too? Let me know below!
Thannks for writing this