They say "Friendship... is not something you learn in school. But if you haven't learned the meaning of friendship, you really haven't learned anything." and can I ask you guys something, Do you believe in this saying?
Zoe! Why are you asking us this ridiculous question? Well, my point is, hanging out with friends, going to the mall with them or even just talking to them everyday. One of these happened yesterday, April 25, 2015 and all I could say was it was amazing. It's summer and it's the only time I got to hang out with my gang.
We went to SM Megamall and we met each other in Cinnabon in the Mega Fashion Hall. We were actually having conflicts because we were looking for each other. Okay wait, I don't know if they'll want their names to be exposed so I'll give them code names, we're all girls anyways but these are our code names, let's call them Ronan, Adam and Noah. Yes we're just four but anyways Ronan got there first and she went to fetch Adam. When I got to Cinnabon, I could see Ronan's dad which made me text Ronan saying "Where are you? Because I see your dad" then minutes later, I decided to go search for them by calling them. They said they were sitting in Cinnabon and when I looked at Cinnabon. There they were trying to shout at Ronan's phone trying to talk to me.
I opened my arms as I go to them then the three of us hugged each other. We were just waiting for Noah. We texted her and waited. We were actually walking straight to Building B and Adam suddenly spoke stopping us saying "Wait, Where are we going?" then we replied we don't know and we went back to Cinnabon because that's our meet up place. When Noah finally arrived, she was wearing this fluffy panda hat and she had BANGS. So that was her surprise. (omg I don't have pics till skating) but we ate in a Japanese restaurant which I forgot the name to but I got the Katsu Bento which was very yummy. After eating, we went to the rink and got the unlimited pass (P390) and 2 lockers (P50) which you can only open once which sucks.
Ronan and I waiting for the ice to get cleaned
My skates were size 4 and Ronan's was 7 which was so big. We then started to skate. Of course my friends being first or second timers started at the side/railing. They were holding so tight especially Ronan who was scared of falling. I became their teacher
(L-R) Adam, Noah, Ronan)
I left my phone with Noah since my leggings had no pockets and she took a picture of Ronan and I which sucks. She didn't even ask permission (pouts) but one of the picture looked great. I was doing the middle finger tho
I pixelated my finger because ya know
They were all at the railing as I watch them 'try' or slip or almost fall and laugh at them. They looked so funny. Ronan was the one who really had a very hard time in skating because she doesn't trust me *sad face* but I did tried to teach her. In the end when she left, because she left earlier, she texted me saying "I hate skating" which made me laugh and show them to Adam and Noah
guess where my feet are
We left the rink after 4 or 3 in Ronan's case because our foot hurts and all of us, except for Ronan, agreed to return after arcade. Then we went to Starbucks and I got one of their summer drinks called Summer Panna Cotta. It was very yummy. When I had my first sip, I was surprised in sipping jelly which was very yummy. The frap was a raspberry and other berries flavored drink. There was also a Mocha Panna Cotta which was also yummy.
Adam and I in starbucks
We then went to timezone and played. I didn't load a lot because I said I ain't spending my money on games unlike what happened last March 18 when we went to Eastwood. I spent more or less P300 on arcade. After that Ronan left which is sad but Adam, Noah and I carried on skating.
I forgot to remove my glases *cry*
At around 5;18pm, my dad messaged me that he's on his way which made me need to leave Adam and Noah then my dad picked me up which ended my day.
All I could say is that I enjoyed and to The Gang, I haven't really said goodbye properly but see you in school on June 15! We're finally Freshies!! Hope to do this again soon.
That ends today's blog. Thank you so so much for taking your time in reading this. Comment down below your favorite part of my hangout and also what I could do to make my blogs better. Also suggest me products to review in the near future
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